potteria offers


Groups of up to 40 people can experience the fascination of pottery together, in all its facets. Pottery wheel, modeling, ceramic painting – everything is possible and at the same time.

Our experienced creative coaches will guide you and reveal all the tips and tricks. You can start freestyle and just for fun, and we are happy to support you with group dynamic games and tasks – whatever you are looking for.


Our cozy bar offers cold and warm drinks and, on request, we can also organize snacks or catering for you. In summer, ideally also open air in our pub garden.



Working in muddy "Gatsch" and creating something together will unite the team!



Painting ceramics with a glass of Prosecco in hands creates lasting memories!

Gemeinsam kreativ sein

Gemeinsam kreativ sein

Stärkt ein Team ungemein und man lernt sich noch besser kennen!


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